New poems by Michelene Wandor
(Arc Publications, 2004)

Love poems and not-love poems, fierce and gentle, passionate and bitter, pushing at the boundaries of minimalist language, packing an emotional punch.

‘…it’s the whole focus of attention which places Michelene Wandor’s poetry alongside an older achievement in Anglophone poetry from Eliot and Pound to Thomas and Graham and those who have survived the so-called ‘revival’ in the 1960s.’
– Peter Riley, Fortnightly Review

Travellers (Arc Publications, 2021)

‘Michelene Wandor’s new collection travels through Europe and beyond, with travellers as various as the Queen of Sheba and Isabella d’Este. Lyrical, narrative and startlingly evocative.’

Michelene Wandor, writer, author, playwright, dramatist, novelist, editor, poet, short story writer, musician, performer - UKNatural Chemistry
(Arc Publications, 2013)

‘This is Michelene Wandor at her compelling best, moving from saffron-coloured macaroons in the paintings of Perugino to Ophelia on a river bank, smiling at a duckling; rich, risk-taking, ingenious and musical.’
– Elaine Feinstein

The Music of the Prophets
(Arc Publications, 2006)

A long narrative poem about the resettlement of the Jews in England, 1655-56. Supported by a grant from the European Association of Jewish Culture.

Michelene Wandor, writer, author, playwright, dramatist, novelist, editor, poet, short story writer, musician, performer - UK‘Her writing’s rich with the colour, scents and streets of London and Amsterdam, where the Jews were allowed to worship.’
– Jackie Wills, Mslexia

‘…history and music all celebrated in singing words and images.’
– Jewish Chronicle

‘Michelene Wandor has produced an English poem of distinction that is, at the same time, an authentic work of diasporic literature.’
– Anthony Rudolf

Michelene Wandor, writer, author, playwright, dramatist, novelist, editor, poet, short story writer, musician, performer - UKMusica Transalpina
(Arc Publications, 2005) Poetry Book Society Recommendation, Spring, 2006.

‘Michelene Wandor’s best book yet. She combines her erudition and passion as poet, musician and scholar in a collection that gives immense pleasure, and also continually challenges the reader with the force and variety of its ideas.’
– Alan Brownjohn.

‘Spare, imagistic, marvellously cadenced lines conjure up architecture, feeling and experience of sound, performance, chiselling, creation.’
– Jewish Chronicle

‘…this is a wonderful book of poetry…offering the reader stories of lost and forgotten people in Italian, English and Jewish history. It rightly deserves to be a Poetry Book Society Recommendation.’
– Jewish Renaissance

‘…a celebration of the process of creation, which is exemplary.’
– Time Out

Poetry in numerous anthologies, including One Foot on the Mountain, London Lines, Angels of Fire, In the Pink, Yesterday Today and Tomorrow, Apples and Snakes, Ain’t I a Woman, New British Poetry, A Picnic of Poetry, Poems on the Buses.

Gardens of Eden Revisited
New edition, with new poems (Five Leaves, 1999)

Gardens of Eden
Collected poems. (Random Century, 1990.)

Gardens of Eden – poems for Eve and Lilith.
(Journeyman Press, 1984)

        Michelene Wandor, writer, author, playwright, dramatist, novelist, editor, poet, short story writer, musician, performer - UK

‘Her literary integrity succeeds in giving her message.’ 
British Book News, 1984

‘A gossipy, irresistible send-up of the Old Testament.’
– Vogue, 1984

‘The language is energetic, meditative, Biblical, slangy, as required.’
– City Limits, 1984

‘A book to give and a book to keep.’
– Guardian, 1984

‘Loving, bitchy, beautiful, clever.’
– New Statesman, 1984

‘Poetry at its most alive and unpretentious.’
– Spare Rib, 1984

‘Michelene Wandor’s deliciously sardonic poem sequence.’
– Anne Karpf, Guardian, 1991

Touch Papers
Poetry collection, with Judith Kazantzis and Michele Roberts. (Allison & Busby, 1982)

Poems and stories. (Journeyman Press, 1981)

‘Michelene Wandor can make even the sedate surroundings of the Poetry Society take on the fever of politics.’
– Guardian, 1982

‘There are wit and sharpness.’
– Gavin Ewart, British Book News, 1982

Cutlasses & Earrings
Editor and contributor to anthology of poetry by women. (Playbooks, 1977)

Michelene Wandor, writer, author, playwright, dramatist, novelist, editor, poet, short story writer, musician, performer - UKLilac Flinder
Concrete poetry. (Writers’ Forum, 1973)